Our approach Works!


Peer reviewed research shows positive results for children's homes using the Pillars of Parenting 'Emotional Warmth' approach.

How we know that it works?

Dr Sean Cameron and Dr Ravi Das have subjected our ‘Emotional Warmth’ model to scientific methodology and analysis using eleven measures in children’s homes in two separate areas of England.
Click here, to link BJSW abstract


  • ‘What’s Love got to do with it…’ article published in July 2019, click below.
  • Published on the 1st June 2019, in The Therapeutic Care Journal, Colin Maginn’s ‘The Yellow Socks Theory and Evidence-based practice for children in public care’
  • New peer reviewed research shows significant improvements in both behavioural and affective measures achieved following implementation of the Pillars of Parenting ’emotional warmth model of professional childcare’.  

Cameron, R.J. and Das, R. (2019) “Empowering Residential Carers of Looked After Young People: The Impact of the Emotional Warmth Model of Professional Child Care” British Journal of Social Work

Our model is one of very few in the world which has peer-reviewed research data which demonstrates a positive impact on children. The probability of obtaining these significant positive outcomes by chance, is less than one in a thousand.

Why this research is different
Most of the articles and papers on work with children in public care describe the methodology and offer anecdotal accounts of the work. While this is often inspiring, to understand what works requires evidence and evaluation. Using the long-established approach of gathering evidence and hypothesis testing, Dr Sean Cameron and Dr Ravi Das have subjected our ‘Emotional Warmth’ model to scientific methodology and analysis using eleven measures in children’s homes in two separate areas of England. Positive results were achieved with a probability of less than one in a thousand of obtaining these results by chance.
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United Nations Report 

Visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

The bottom line is that much of the glue that has held British society together since the Second World War has been deliberately removed and replaced with a harsh and uncaring ethos. A booming economy, high employment and a budget surplus have not reversed austerity, a policy pursued more as an ideological than an economic agenda. (click to go to the report)

Would You Sign of Children’s Pledge?

I pledge that the well-being of children will be a priority in my life 

and I will never justify to myself or anyone else, 

actions or decisions which harm a child


Membership is available to clients of the Pillars of Parenting for access to resources’.  For more information e-mail colinmaginn@pillarsofparenting.co.uk 

The Pillars of Parenting Ltd.,

Business & Innovation Centre,

Wearfield, Sunderland,  U.K.  SR5 2TA

e-mail colinmaginn@pillarsofparenting.co.uk

Tel: 0191 516 6634 or 07983 544899

Company registered in the UK, number 06109026

V.A.T. registration No: 924147434